Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Art everywhere.

Seriously, there's so much art crammed into Washington, D.C.'s mall that you can't walk more than a few blocks without literally running into it.  On a walk back to my hotel I stumbled across the Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden. Of course I had to take the detour.  There was lots to see.  Here are a few of my favorites.

Joan Miro delights with his bronze interpretation of a Lunar Bird (1944 -1946, enlarged and cast 1966 - 1967, bronze).

I love the surrealist dream represented in Judith Shea's Post-Balzac (1991, bronze).

Yoko Ono brings her peace-y, love-y art attitude with Wish Tree for Washington, DC (2007, live tree and mixed media).  In this work,  visitors write wishes on paper tags and hang them on a tree in the sculpture garden.  Yes, I wrote a wish but I refuse to divulge it for fear of jinxing it.

Yes, I stole one of the Yoko Ono Imagine Peace pencils.  Sorry.

Finally, how can you not love Roy Lichtenstein's massive Brush Stroke (1996, painted and fabricated aluminum).

1 comment:

  1. Don't you think stealing Yoko's pencil jinxes the wish?
