Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Book twenty one: Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay

Here's one reason I like book club: It encourages me to read books I likely wouldn't otherwise consider.  For example, Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay.  This is the story of a young Jewish girl (Sarah) whose family is taken by the French police and delivered to a concentration camp.  I don't want to spoil the story so I'll try not to give too much away about what happens to her and her family.

Interspersed with her story is that of a mother living in modern Paris.  She's a journalist assigned to cover the events that lead to Sarah's imprisonment.  And since she has a daughter, roughly the same age, she takes more than a professional interest in the story.

Sarah's Key is a nice read that helped me better understand the horrors of World War II.  And many of the characters are endlessly likeable, like the older couple who help Sarah when she needs it most.  I also like the way the book seriously dealtswith the morality of abortion, exploring the gray areas instead of embracing the traditional black and white attitudes.

But the book isn't without its problems.  There are some surprisingly convenient plot twists that didn't make much sense and seem designed simply to allow the story to continue.  And sometimes the writing is simple and uninspiring.  But overall, I give this book a thumbs up.  And certainly anyone interested in compelling, historical Holocaust stories should consder this read.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention that the book club questions in my copy were especially thought provoking.
